Gascotti Strain Review

July 21, 2022

Gascotti is a hybrid strain created by Green Leaf Wellness, located in Pennsylvania. It can be a difficult strain to find unless you live in Pennsylvania but there are dispensaries in California that carry it. The Gascotti strain is a hybrid created by combining Brazilian sativa and South Indian indica. 

It is sold in two forms, flower and shatter. The flower has a THC content averaging 16% to 24%. While the shatter has an average THC content of 75.70%. Its flavors are sugar cookie and earthy. 

Gascotti Bud

The Gascotti Experience

Gascotti creates an experience that is great for relaxing and sleep-inducing. Due to its cerebral effects, it can interfere with any tasks you have planned unless those plans are just hanging out at home, eating, and sleeping. This is a great strain for relaxing after a long day or when you want an effective nightcap.

Gascotti flowers can be smoked using a bong, pipe, or joint. Whereas the shatter form can be added to a bowl, sprinkled in a joint, or smoked with a dab rig. If you choose to add it to your joint, be sure to smash it into a powder or you’ll risk ripping your rolling paper.

When handling Gascotti bud, be prepared for a very sticky bud. On the inhale you’ll get hit with the pungent flavor. The sugar cookie is muted and not as strong. The exhale has some diesel notes. 

Gascotti Benefits

Be prepared to have your favorite snacks nearby, you’ll have some serious munchies after a hit of Gascotti. Some users suggest Gascotti is also great for relieving conditions such as:

  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Stress
  • Nausea
  • Pain
  • Migraines

Gascotti Genetics

This hybrid strain is created by crossing Brazilian Green sativa and South Indian indica. Goscotti buds are bright green, with dull brown hairs, and covered in white sticky trichomes. 

Brazilian Green

It’s extremely rare to find a 100% pure sativa strain, but that’s exactly what Brazilian Green is. This strain can hit you fast and hard. You’ll be ready to tackle any creative task you’ve been putting off. Gascotti is not sativa dominant but it does get its THC potency from this parent strain. Also, some users report being inspired and creative after smoking it.

South Indian Indica 

Another rare strain is the 100% pure South Indian indica. Gascotti is indica dominant and gets more of its properties from this parent strain. South Indian indica is known for having an earthy flavor and mellow effects. Gascotti gets its body numbing, sedative effects from South Indian indica. This is not a potent strain with only 10-12% THC. 

Ready to Try Gascotti?

If you’re looking for a flower to create a relaxed and gradual sleepy effect, then Gascotti might be for you. It is great for someone wanting a nightcap.

Keep in mind, everyone has different body chemistries and will experience different effects. Gascotti might make your friends sleepy and creative. Always make sure you’re in a safe place when trying a new cannabis strain. 


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