Your questions answered.

If you have a question not listed here, please feel free to reach out on our Contact page!

  • How does The Alcove Loyalty work?

    Once you sign up, every purchase earns you points and those points can be redeemed for discounts, merchandise, or products depending on the amount of points you have in your account.

  • Does the price include taxes?

    Our price is rounded up to the nearest dollar after taxes, so the price you see is the final price you will be paying.

  • What's the Return Policy?

    We do not accept returns, give refunds, or accept exchanges on the following: Flower, Edibles, Wax, Tinctures, Topicals, or any other perishable items. We can allow exceptions for Vape Cartridges and Disposable Vapes, provided they meet both of the following requirements: You must bring the defective Cartridge back to our location within 7 days of original purchase. Vape Cartridges must be in its original packaging, and the packaging must have all inventory information still legible (Batch ID, Lot #, Inventory ID, Company Name, Manufacturing Date, and all Testing Information).

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